We use our minds to create the lives we live. The more we understand our mind and how we think, the more successful our lives will be.
Primitive Ego Psychology
As a mental health therapist, Dick Rauscher became aware that many people were unconsciously using an immature thinking process based on primitive, early childhood conditioning. With that insight, his passion for understanding primitive ego psychology and maturing the primitive early childhood thinking process embedded in humanity’s collective unconsciousness was born.
Today, primitive ego psychology and primitive ego theory
help people become more self-aware of the skills and insights they need to intentionally mature their early childhood primitive ego,
create healthy relationships,
live the meaningful life they’ve dreamed about living.
increase their self-awareness so they can better listen to the wisdom of their lives,
awaken their consciousness to the limiting beliefs and unconscious conditioning of their
childhood primitive ego,
achieve greater authenticity, happiness, purpose, and meaning in their lives, and
increase their ability to add value to their lives, the lives of others, and the world, and
improve their relationship with reality.
Primitive Ego Psychology teaches that the future we create is always our choice. There is no such thing as “the future.” There are only “possible” futures. The beliefs we embrace, the choices we make or fail to make as individuals, and as a species, will determine the future we create.
A Brief Overview of Primitive Ego Psychology
For those interested in digging deeper into the insights of Primitive Ego Psychology, the resource tabs at the top of this home page will take you to the books and hundreds of blog articles Dick has written over the years on Primitive Ego Psychology. His books and blogs focus on primitive ego psychology and its practical application for those interested in awakening, maturing, and taming their primitive ego, intentionally growing in self-awareness, and exploring the details of unconscious childhood conditioning and how that conditioning impacts our lives.
Because we use our minds to accomplish or fail to achieve everything in our lives, it makes sense; the more we know about how our minds work and how we think, the more successful we’ll be in creating a successful life.
If you are struggling to realize your goals and dreams, you can be all but certain that the need to tame, mature, and evolve your unconscious primitive ego is at the core of your struggles.
I hope that Primitive Ego Psychology is as helpful for you as it has been for me personally and professionally for my clients as a mental health counselor.