We use our minds to create the lives we live. The more we understand our mind and how we think, the more successful our lives will be.
Dick Rauscher Books
Dick has written seven books on spiritual growth and development. You can purchase them as hard copy or Kindle editions by clicking the links below.
Dick Rauscher on Amazon
Adult Spiritual Development: The Creation Of An Authentic Spirituality for The 21st Century
Spiritual growth is achieved not through religious beliefs and doing compassion, it’s about becoming compassion.
When our goal is authentic spiritual growth and the awakening of our human consciousness, Primitive Ego Psychology and Evolutionary Spirituality come together to offer powerful spiritual insights for those on the path to a more enlightened consciousness.
Authentic spiritual growth is learning to see the world with new eyes. It’s about changing the way we think. Only when we have the courage and willingness to journey within, and expand our self-knowledge through intentional growth in self-awareness, will we achieve those two goals.
Using the spiritual insights, and spiritual practices derived from his work in Primitive Ego Psychology and Evolutionary Spirituality, author Dick Rauscher gives the reader the practical wisdom needed to actually become compassion and remove the roadblocks that keep us from becoming compassion; the goal of all of history’s great spiritual teachers.
Primitive Ego Psychology For Life Coaches & Mental Health Counselors: Taming the Primitive Ego
This book is about learning to see life and reality through the eyes of a professional Therapist/Life Coach. This introduction to Primitive Ego Psychology was written for Life Coaches, Mental Health Counselors, and anyone wishing to improve the quality of their life.
Watch VideosThe goal of this book is introducing the reader to the reality distorting beliefs of our childhood primitive ego. Through a step by step learning process, the author introduces the reader to the skills and insights needed to understand and tame their primitive ego and awaken their consciousness. Learning to tame our childhood primitive ego and knowing how our mind works is essential if we want to master the skills and insights needed to create a happy and successful life.
Awakening our consciousness is an inward journey that allows us to see the world through new eyes, change the way we think, and grow in self-awareness. Only through an awakened consciousness are we able to manifest compassion in the world, add value to our own lives, and the lives of others.
Professional life coaches, life coaching students, mental health counselors, and anyone interested in improving the quality of their lives will find this book a powerful resource.
Spiritual Growth: Spiritual Practices for a Healthy Life
Dick Rauscher writes that authentic spiritual growth is achieved best when we able to let go of primitive dualistic thinking and learn to embrace the middlepath, nondual consciousness of humanities spiritual teachers and enlightened mystics.
The insights and spiritual practices offered in this book are designed to change the way we “see” the world and how we think, not change what we believe. The book is filled with idea “seeds” that will help the reader move beyond the illusions of dualistic primitive ego and embrace a deeper knowing; insights that will help the reader develop resonance between their intellect and the wisdom of their heart energy.
Awakening:The Manifesto of a Spiritual Philosopher: The Journey Toward a Compassionate Non-dual World
Authentic spiritual growth is possible without religion.
Author Dick Rauscher offers a rational, non-religious path to authentic spiritual growth and enlightenment for both those who are “spiritual but not religious”, and those who walk a more “traditional religious” path. Authentic spiritual growth and growth in consciousness happens when we know our mind and how it works. We use our minds to create our lives and our world. The more we know about our mind and how we think, the greater the choice we have in how we use it! We cannot change what we do not understand about ourselves.
Authentic spiritual growth comes from the deep self-awareness of the logs in our own eyes, not religious beliefs. If you hunger to embrace a rational, non-religious, authentic 21st-century spirituality, this manifesto was written for you. The path to spiritual enlightenment and “becoming compassion” is through ego emptiness, not religious beliefs. “Authentic spiritual growth is learning to “see” the unity of the world through non-dual eyes, and changing the way we think. Only when we have the courage and willingness to journey within and expand our self-knowledge through intentional growth in self-awareness, will we achieve those two goals.”
Creating Healthy Relationships: Primitive Ego Psychology for Life Coaches and Mental Health Counselors
Life Coaches and Mental Health Counselors know the important relationships in our lives are born out of love and compassion; qualities of our higher self. This book was written to offer life coaches, mental health counselors, and anyone interested in improving the quality of their relationships with others, the insights and skills of Primitive Ego Psychology.
Creating health relationships requires the taming of our unconscious childhood primitive ego; the part of us that is primarily focused on our own needs. Until we awaken our adult consciousness, our relationships with others will be controlled by our unconscious, self-focused childhood primitive ego. To nurture a loving relationship with others means that we have to learn to own our own feelings, be willing to intentionally grow in self-awareness, and learn to manifest loving behaviors that focus on the needs of the other person. Only then will we be capable of manifesting an authentic presence that nurtures those we love.
The insights and practices offered in this book are designed to help the reader move beyond the illusions of ego and embrace a deeper knowing that brings resonance between our intellect and the wisdom of our heart energy; to deepen our ability to have healthy loving relationships.
Embracing Happiness: Spiritual Practices for Awakening to the Joy of Everyday Life
Author Dick Rauscher has included topics in this book that come from his own personal life stories, some are drawn from past therapy clients, some are more political and current to the world we live in, but all are spiritual practices and insights related to happiness in everyday life.
The book offers the reader practical everyday skills and insights needed for both psychological and spiritual growth in human consciousness, tips on how to embrace the happiness you discover in your life, how to create healthier relationships, and most importantly, how to grow spiritually.
Topics in the book include awakening to a middlepath nonduality, understanding and healing your inner child, finding your life purpose, the value of your personal life story, the danger of unrealistic expectations, and the life rewards that come from gratitude.
Creative Relationships: Spiritual Practices to Build Healthy, Happy Relationships
Relationships are the foundation of marriages, families, communities, and our global human culture. When our relationships are healthy, they promote happiness, bring a sense of meaning into our lives, and increase our ability to be loving and compassionate. When our relationships are unhealthy, they are a primary source of conflict and unhappiness.
The insights included in this book come from Dick Rauscher’s twenty-five years in private practice as an NYS licensed mental health counselor, relationship insights drawn from the nondual thinking found in ancient Eastern spiritual practices, and from his personal life experiences.
The author shows how virtually all relationship conflict is created when our dualistic primitive childhood ego unconsciously distorted reality by building “ego maps” that reflected how we thought the universe should work. The maps we created to navigate childhood are almost always based on our early childhood experiences and social conditioning, our unconscious fears around intimacy, our unrealistic expectations, and those life beliefs we assumed reflected the absolute truth.
Unfortunately, the maps our ego constructed in childhood were not based on reality. They were merely a collection of “maps that reflected our “personality.”
The material contained in this book are powerful spiritual practices designed to help you drop dualistic thinking and awaken to a nondual consciousness, intentionally grow in self-awareness, and begin building healthy relationship with those around you.